Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day Two: Williams, AZ

Update 7:45pm
Just went to Dairy Queen for shakes in honor of Uncle Jack. Uncle Walter was telling me how they use to stop all the time so Jack could have his vanilla shakes from DQ. So here`s to you up in Heaven Uncle Jack, love you lots and think about you often.

Well today we didn't have to travel as far.

Left at 7:28am and arrived in Williams, AZ at 4:03pm that includes the stop at Hoover Dam and for Lunch in Kingman,AZ
I didn`t get much sleep last night so I took a nap in the car from Beatty to right before Las Vegas.

I talked to complete strangers and exchanged taking
their family photo for them taking ours.
We made it to Hoover Dam before it got too crowded and hot.

Okay not for the faint of heart. Thank goodness for glass that's a side view of straight down Hoover Dam at 10am

After watching a brief video about when the dam was made we took a 500 foot elevator ride down to the power plant.
Here are some facts about Hoover Dam

  1. It took 3.25million cubic yard of concrete to build
  2. The Dam is 726.4ft Tall
  3. The top length is 1244ft
  4. The bottom width is 660ft
  5. Hoover Dam is named after Herbert Hoover the 31st President
  6. It took 5 years to build the Dam
Inside Hoover Dam
Stopped in Kingman, AZ for lunch at a cute little Steakhouse. Got my picture taken with a cute Indian and cowboy.
After arriving at the hotel we decided to go a Deer Farm and I got mauled by the ones that could reach my cup.
They were so friendly. Not just the deer but also the people running it.
Walter found a pet that I said we couldn`t bring home...A Llama. He was a nice llama and didn`t spit at us.
I did not call all the deer Bambi although there was a baby that was born 3hrs prior to our arrival so we got to see her and the mom.
Deer Farm: I got attacked

Walter and his Llama friend

Overall today was really fun and I`m glad that my hotel has a hairdryer for in the morning plus a pool. I miss everyone back home even though it is only Day Two.

Now to hang out in my hotel room until dinner time.



  1. Love the pictures. Keep talking to strangers just don't take their candy.

  2. ok, nice that you went to the deer farm, but NO bringing back any....:) love the pictures you posted on Facebook and here. Really was thinking you could buy a dam beaver at the gift shop. Good to hear you got some dam water. How does it compare to ours?

  3. DAM...that's one huge dam!! Someday I would love to see that dam. I'm glad you were able to get a picture of the two of you, sometime strangers aren't so strange, as you have discovered ha ha.
    Awww, you look so cute with the cowboy and indian - and the deer farm looks like a blast. Baby bambi would have been very cool to see! You're luck to have been there only 3 days after she was born.

    Later gater
