Monday, June 17, 2013

Day Fifteen: Nashville, TN

Update: While at the Ryman I stumbled upon this lovely picture
For those of you that don't know this is who my horse is named after" Whiskey Mae West"

Can you guys tell I do not want to leave this place.

Sadly we leave at 7am for Perry Georgia

Got to go to the Ryman Auditorium and walk around after making a one song CD. After making my own CD we went to the movies to see After Earth.

Since last night we didn't get into the Bluebird Café we showed up almost 3 hours early to make it in. Talked with some lovely people while waiting in line. I became the number one fan of hopefully going to be famous Evan Thompson. He writes songs and sings. The people that preformed were so talented. I wish when mom paid for my guitar lessons that I actually practiced then maybe I could have been the one people wanted to know my name.

Special Video of Evan Thompson singing 'My First Song" written by him.

That's it for today folks. Leaving my dream state tomorrow and moving on down the line.


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